Tuesday, 16 June 2009

I just realized.... bullets are fun! I would love to have my bullets like daisies or something like Morgan's but i can't get it to work...

  • I was on Google today and I typed in my little question in the search question box. After like, a minute, the page loaded. (You may not know this but in the top right corner it says how long it takes the page to load. I dare you to check.) Anyway... and the little corner told me my page loaded in 0.28 seconds.... I was like: ARE YOU ON DRUGS?!?!
  • Oh well... it's only a computer. I'll cut it some slack this time.
  • Morgan was being pretty bossy this morning. I guess I kind of deserve it though because I was bossing her around the other day. But STILL. She was all like, "Go get me a new tube of toothpaste!" and so I went up and got it and took my time going back downstairs to give it to her and she was like: "Hurry up! I want my toothpaste!" and I was like: "Yes Your Majesty. Would you like a spot of tea with that?"
  • She kind of just glared at me then rolled her eyes. ALL OVER A TUBE OF TOOTHPASTE!!!!!! Toothpaste to my sister is definetly a no-no.
  • We had coffeecake this morning for breakfast. It was AMAAAAAAAAZING!!! So so good!
  • Emma slept over last night. It was rather fun!
  • We watched FINDING NEMO!!!!!!! Oh my gosh it was so so good!!!
  • Emma kept on hitting me though when I started quoting.
  • Still it was epic.
  • I skinned my knee on the trampoline too. Now I have this scab-type thing going. Tis a great look... very.... stylish?
  • I personally think it makes me look like some stup-idiot skateboarder that wore shorts instead of pants like a SENSABLE SKATEBOARDER!!!!
  • Colleen Coble's books drive me crazy! I still have no clue why but they take me FOREVER to read!!! It drives me nuts! They're still good though.
  • And I beasted in Mario Kart last night too. Emma won first place once too! I was estatic! How? Well I had first place for 3 rounds and she had two 2nd places and one 4th. So on the last round I drove BACKWARDS for most of the course to get the worst place possible.
  • It was... fantastic... I have... to say... brought tears to my eyes..... Danielle you are still soooo on!
  • Sorry to all of you who call me when I'm not home then give my Mom a message. She has this uncanny skill of remembering you called right around 10 o'clock so she'll be like: "Hey Syd... your friend called." And I'm like.... "Thanks Ma... Perfect timing!"
  • I personally think it's hilarious!
  • I heard the expression "dumb as a doornail" And I was like, wait, what does that mean?
  • Are doornails dumb? Isn't that offensive to doornails? What if there's a really smart doornail and you just insulted him?

Trip, Ace & Demo,


LPT said...

A nail...in a door?

Sonia Ama said...

ya, im pretty sure its a nail that sticks out in a door.. and sydney, you were rather british in this blog.

Anonymous said...

omg Sinney!!! we are going to hang out today!! we should play Mario Kart because I played it last night on Zoe's Wii and I almost placed first!!! but not really (the best I ever got was 5th place). I have to admit that it was a little embarrassing on account of her little brother who's in 5th grade (or something like that) was telling me what to do and could probably done ALOT better than me!!!! oh well.. I WILL CREAM YOU if you feel up to the challenge, that is :)

A+A said...

That's awesome Grace... im quaking in my boots (if i had boots on, which i dont... you get the picture!!!) =)

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