Saturday, 20 June 2009

I feel like I get on this blog way too much. I honestly am starting to believe I have no life... It's depressing. Anywho... I had a pleasant day.

  • Yesterday I watched The Princess Bride (LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!! No, it's not as good as Finding Nemo!) By the way: my favorite parts where they're rhyming! "Anyone want a peanut??" Haha!!!
  • As I watched the movie i realized that I really long to have one of those masks Wesley wears....
  • I had a weird, weird dream today. I couldn't find something to wear so I was late for school then I was wearing green jeans with a neon shirt and everybody was like: " 'Sup Highlighter" So I blamed it all on my sister. Typical... if you ask me.
  • I went to the book store yesterday too. I love book stores (can you tell?) Needless to say I could have spent hours in there.
I don't think I have much more to say except... the human race must me doomed or something. Read the following product labels:

On a Sears Hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping (and that's the only time I have to do my hair!)
On a bar of Dial Soap: Use like regular soap. (And that would be how...?)
On some frozen Swanson dinners: Serving Suggestion: Defrost. (But that's "just" a suggestion)

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn upside down." (uh... too late.)
On Boots children Cough medicine: Do not drive or operate machinery after taking. (We could really reduce then number of accidents if we could get all those 5 years olds with head colds off the road!)
On Nytol Sleep Aid: WARNING! May cause drowsiness. (AND IM TAKING THIS WHY?!?!)
On Sunsbury's Peanuts: Caution! Contains nuts. (Talk about a news flash!)

Trip Ace & Demo,


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