Sunday, 14 June 2009

I have had quite the intereesting week... I've had fun and I've had not so much fun... I've laughed (haven't cried) been upset. This is what i would like to call a roller coaster week! Pearls of Wisdom anyone?

  • Ok so updates updates updates... Saturday i went to A's house and we had fun (no brainer) then we took pictures of ourselves on her webcam! I have to say I'm not so photogenic! And this is for you A..... YOU TILT YOUR HEAD THE OTHER WAY!!!!!!
  • After that I came home and washed cars.... a scrubba-dub-dub!
  • Then i went to Abby's house. We made chocolate cookies (my delicacy) and rode our bikes and chilled and it was fun!
  • I'm a gummy bear! You're a what? A gummy bear? Yeah. Oh, then I'm Zac Efron. TROOOOOOOY!!!!!
  • Alas, i made dinner on Friday night and it was... interesting. i made little personalized calizones and it was so weird. Apparently the whole family loves sausage on their calizones so i pulled out a frozen log of sausage from the freezer. I got home kind of late so the sausage didn't de-frost all the way....
  • So there i was, wrestling a half-way frozen piece of sausage, with my hands freezing freaking out that i was going to break out in hives.
  • Then of course Audrey starts playing Mario Party... a game she doesn't know how to play... so I was chopping mushrooms and olives, wresteling a frozen sausage, flattening dough, and screaming at Audrey so she could atempt to win the game...
  • Making dinner's a definate no-no.
  • A friend of mine keeps asking me who I like.
  • I keep telling them it's not important.
  • They won't leave me alone....
  • Exactly why do they need to know who I like?! Is it really that important?!
  • Oh well....
  • I have drama today.... Ryan has to drive me there...
  • I am scared for my life.
  • I'm just kidding, Ryan's not that bad of a driver..... He just cuts corners, accelerates to fast and breaks to hard. Other than that he's fantastic! I mean really, you should ride with him sometime.
  • I got my hair cut! It's all short and I'm freaking out because I like my hair long! I woke up this morning thinking: "Can you glue hair back on?"
  • I miss my hair!
  • Enough said.

Trip Ace & Demo,



The Bullen's said...

One great thing about hair grows back! Thank God!! I've had some goofy lookin cuts in my day too!!! Just be happy with who God made you! You're special no matter how you look!! I think you're special and I don't even know what you look like!!!

Ingrid :)

LPT said...

Drama. Party. Nuff said.

Unknown said...

Hey those calzones were SO good! Seriously!!! Anywho, yeah Ryan is a little scary but that car ride was fun! Haha! Your hair looks fine! Don't worry!

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