Saturday, 27 June 2009

A long day

I didn't do all that much today but it seemed like it because everyone tells me how their summer days are like- Sleep, TV, Eat, More Sleep. This morning I slept in later then I normally do. Until 8:45. I got up and everyone was either in bed reading or sleeping. We are a lively bunch I know. Then we had these frozen burritos and for some odd reason i thought that they were breakfast burritos so i had one. Then my mom told me that they weren't. oops. She was like "That's ok, have whatever you want". I was about to have some Ice Cream but I stopped myself at the last moment. Then helped my mom and brother finish painting his room, which looks way better than I originally thought it was going to look. We were all tired out from working so we went to the pool. My brother, sister, and I had a dunking war to try to tackle and dunk the other persons head under the water. They started to gang up on me and believe me that was no fun whatsoever. We left and had an amazing dinner of paste, bread, and salad. Yummy! I helped Sam put the things back in his room so he could have it all set up and my parents even say that he is allowed to move the TV and his ps2 up there. we all played star wars and it was so fun! Except that I stick at that game so everyone was yelling at me and I was trying so hard to aim and it was not working. In the end i had -5 kills. Pathetic. How it that even possible? My brother had like 42. Geez.



The Bullen's said...

paste??? bread and salad.

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