Saturday, 19 September 2009

Oh the irony of life.
So (don't you just love my snappy transition? So. It really packs a punch.) I went to plug my computer in so it could charge and as I shoved the plug into the socket I got that pretty blue spark. SO OF COURSE I have a slap-you-in-the-face moment and think of how cool it would be if I stuck my finger in the socket.
Like wow.

  • My heart song has changed. Actually I have two heart songs right now. Barlow Girl's "Here's My Life" and "Hold My Heart" by Tenth Avenue North. The chorus goes like this:

    One tear in the driving rain,
    One voice in the sea of pain
    Could the maker of the stars
    Hear the sound of my breaking heart?
    One light, that's all I am
    Right now I can barely stand
    If You're everything You say You are,
    Would you come close and hold my heart?

  • When I first heard that hot tears pricked my eyes and made their was down my cheek. It was so strong. Because honestly, most of the time it really feels like God's not there. Like he doesn't care. I just love where he asks God: Could the maker of the stars hear the sound of my breaking heart?
  • I can't count how many times I have asked God that question. It seems like, "yeah, you made the stars, but you're so far away can you hear me? It's an awful long way to shout."
  • But He's right behind us, whispering in our ear in that still small voice that we miss because we're so busy shouting and hearing ourselves we can't hear Him.
  • So there you go. My heart song.
  • I'm actually listening to it right now and my heart is swelling, trying to break out of my rib cage because it really hurts. That realization. A slap-you-in-the-face moment.
  • That's all it takes.
Trip, Ace & Demo,

~Yours Truly

P.S. If you want to hear the song here's the link. Think about it. I dare you.


The Bullen's said...

Oh Yes...God is always there. He's got you in the palm of His hand. Be still and wait for Him. Let Him wrap you in His arms. There's nothing, no nothing like the warmth of His embrace. Just when you think He's not there. There He is !

Ingrid :o)

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