Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Don't Dance So Fast

Life is... I don't know... legit.
It's so real. Honestly, it's there, you're in it, but at the same time it's like it's not even happening.
Like the kid in the check out line who starts wailing because he wants a candy bar, and you're horrified to see a kid freaking out (um, hello? It's candy.) And so you're appalled and want to give that kid a piece of your mind, when it's all over. The kid has his candy bar and you're wondering why you're strangling the bananas.
Or when you get to high school, maybe even college, and wonder where the time went. Then sooner then you know it, you're sitting by a fireplace in a rocking chair, knitting socks for your 13 year old cat, swapping stories with the love of your life about "the good old days" and laughing because it's not truly funny, but because you can.
That's what life is. We don't realize how much passes us by until it's going 90 miles the other way.
We don't realize what we were missing until it was all sold out and the shelf in the store is empty.
We don't notice what we had until we don't have it.
Irony. It's the ingredient that makes it so bittersweet that we keep going back for more.
I read a poem recently and I had myself a good cry as I was in my bed before I was sleeping. Part of it goes like this:

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go round,
Or listened to the rain slapping the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
You better slow down...
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

As I thought about that poem I thought about all the things life I don't realize. All the things I haven't done as part of my Christian Duty. Anything and Anything that would mean something and allow God's thumb to press on my delicate heart. I realized everything I was missing.
And, to be honest, I wouldn't miss that for the world.
Don't dance so fast.
Blurb for the day.

Trip, Ace & Demo,

~Yours Truly


Anonymous said...

Life is to short to not enjoy it

Anonymous said...

Sydney, you are so right about the whole life thing. Sometimes what I have to do is just stop for a second and remind myself, and I just think "woah, this is real life. Not a dream, or fake life, or my imagination, but really real, right now". It happened today actually, and I told Margot and she thought I was crazy. But I'm not, I promise. I just sometimes forget that what's happening or what I'm doing is really and truly happening. If that even makes any sense to you.

Unknown said...

I know I can't even begin to think of a lot that I have actually missed and sometimes it makes me sad! I am taking time to stop and smell the roses... Life is a blink of the eye compared to eternity.

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