Thursday, 9 July 2009

I've decided that I'm never going to be able to re-format the blog. I may be tech-savvy on a computer but when it comes to blogger I am just flat out clueless. Maybe Emma can help me figure it out. She did most of the blog stuff... so give her a round of applause.

  • My drama week is almost over. I'm so depressed (no I do not need any counseling you over-zealous readers.) I just have really been loving the class. It's so fun and I love all the people and I wish we could stay together for the next few years.
  • Well, enough on that.
  • I'm seeing Transformers 2 tonight!!! I'm pretty excited because I heard the cinematography was incredible but it got a few bad reviews. It kind of upset me but I'm still going to see it. The first one was very good.
  • I realized I listen the radio way way too much. I'm not even kidding. I listen to it quite often. It's like I always need a voice in my head When I'm reading I have the characters voices in my head, in movies... ditto. And then in drama and again on the radio and my i-pod It's crazy. Oh well. I love it anyway.
  • Right now I'm wondering if I can shoot a rubberband across the room and knock over a vase. I don't know... I think it would be cool.
  • Now I want to do it.
  • WHEN IS EMMA COMING BACK?!?!?! It is driving me nuts right nnow because I haven't seen her!!!
  • And I want a water or a Fuze. I am soooo thirsty. And no, I don't want a V-8... carrot juice anyone??

Trip, Ace & Demo,

~Yours Truly


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