Thursday, 30 July 2009
My life's philosophy should be don't get stuck in a fish bowl.
I'm serious. If you get stuck in a fish bowl, good luck getting out. The walls are glass, and wet, and no doubt slippery. And they're curved so if you even do have the great fortune to be able to climb up the slick walls (say your a lizard, like Corbin at internship) you most likely would not be able to get over that top lip because you'd be hanging upside down like a spider monkey.
And then, another reason you wouldn't want to get stuck in a fish bowl is the horrid real estate. It's like trying to find a house in New York, or wanting to buy a house in Montana. There's just no chance. So if you do get stuck in a fish bowl, you would probably end up homeless, wandering the pebbles at night wondering if you can get to the top for some fish food.
Which by the way, most fish food is made from, yes, fish. Can I just say... ew?
Anyway... then, because you're a little lonely man (woman, whatever) you end up eating all the little food flakes that come to the bottom of the bowl and then you're considered a bottome feeder. A lowely term if I must say.
Then, lo' and behold, it gets even worse because- in a fish bowl- there is no such thing as a good hair day. You'll be walking around doing this whole 'halo of hair' thing. No, just no.
And humans can't breath under water anyway.
Like I said, it's not exactly wise to get stuck in a fish bowl.
And that was officially "Deep Thoughts From A Not-So-Deep Thinker".
This is why I'm called a "not-so-deep-thinker" because when I get to thinking deep, well, lets just say you don't want to be up-wind. A word to the wise.
And now, I think me saying "my life philosophy should be don't get stuck in a fish bowl."
Now for some pearly wisdom because that's really the only thing that makes sense anymore... haha!!
- I was at the store today preparing for tomorrow and, since I went to work with my Dad today and was sanding wood, when I went to get something out of my eye and all this powder came off on my finger. Preatty strange, if I do say so my self.
- PARTAAAAY tomorrow..... that's life for ya!!!
- And how come they enter the laugh tracks on TV shows??? Aren't you supposed to kind of... KNOW when you want to laugh??
- Enough said (what a perfect saying. It totally just wraps everything up.) Enough said.
Trip, Ace & Demo,
~Yours Truly
First of all- the main ingredient of fish-food is brine, I'm pretty sure. Which is like krill except not. But they do use shrimp to flavor it.
My dog likes to eat my fish food. That's another story.
And people find comfort in numbers, so it's like being in a completely silent movie theater, thinking of something randomly funny, and bursting out laughing. It's weird to laugh by yourself. So laugh tracks encourage people to laugh...that's why they're there.
I'm just glad i can't fit in a fish bowl! Now I'm going to look at my fish differently !!! lol
Ingrid ;)
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