Sunday, 4 October 2009

Prayer completes my life. Bar none. It wraps everything up into this tight, hot burrito of God wrapped in tin foil. I don't know why, but Friday night prayer, man I needed it.
I had just gotten to the point where it was too much. So many things were happening but none of them made any sense. I was running that race but I couldn't take much more. Then in prayer it all clicked.

A slap-you-in-the-face moment.
What Ryan said last week, God knows what he can do, he knows what you need, but how badly do you want it? That struck me and added so much!
So I went into prayer and as I started crying out I felt it. I can still remember falling my knees, the feeling of hitting the ground burns in my mind. God was tugging at my heart, telling me that I wasn't going to get anything out of prayer unless I fought for it. All I could hear from him was this:

"How badly do you want it Sydney?"

  • Yesterday I went on a hike with my family and it was really great! I just loved being out in the open air, so cold. It nipped at my cheeks, but it felt SO good! I wish I could do that all the time.
  • Honestly, I think I could have grown up in the country.
  • Actually, I would really be happy anywhere.
  • Except Antarctica.
  • I finished Hunger Games (the book I was reading) on Thursday and I am dying to read the next one. You have no idea (unless you're around me a ton) what role books play in my life. I love them so much. In fact I'm starting my own personal library. I need another bookshelf I have that many books. I LOVE books.
  • In fact, I was thinking about this when I woke up. (I woke up with a worship song in my head. Do you have any idea what a great feeling that is?!) And I started thinking about my favorite books and who taught me to read.
  • My mother.
  • She taught me how to read. (not to gloat or anything) but I read pretty fast too.
  • Wow. Crazy thought.
  • I wrote more in my book. That is a GREAT feeling, to be sure!
  • Enough said.
Trip, Ace & Demo ~Yours Truly P.S. this is the first post that I didn't have any spelling errors in!! AAAAUUUUGGGHHH!!!!


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