Monday, 19 October 2009

Slap Happy.
That's the only way I can describe myself at this moment!
(By the way, where did that phrase origonate? I, personally wouldn't be too happy if I was slapped. Just saying.)
I think it all started way back when on Friday night prayer. I have said it quite a few times in recent posts: How bad do you want it?

This, I think really changed my life. I desperately needed that. That was my second time attending prayer, the first time I had, I guess what you could call an emotional break down. The world felt like it was crashing down, but then we had a big prayer and well, that was that.
Leah prayed for me (and amazing thing) and I couldn't stop sobbing. Big choking sobs, sobs that, if you didn't know why they were coming out, would break your heart.

That's what amazing about God. No matter how many times you walk away, turn your back, he's still there. He was there when I was in prayer, at the end of the line playing my heart song.
He knows how much you can take, and he will NOT leave you or forsake you!
God has been dealing with me lately, in a way I have never felt before. It feels good to pray, it feels good to give myself over to him at the end of the day.
There is definitely that change and I hold on to those words:

"How badly do you want it?"

  • I woke up at 3:45 this morning without my alarm and was not even tired!
  • I went to bed at 11.
  • So I read my bible. I tell you, it was a God thing. I also thought. Thinking is my pleasure. IT completes my life.
  • Like Barlow Girl...
  • Have a beautiful ending.
  • Enough said.
Trip, Ace & Demo,

~Yours Truly

P.S. comments. sigh. Read Matthew 5.


Anonymous said...

i absolutely love your title great job :)

LPT said...

There's a quote by Mother Teresa that I LOVE. It doesn't SUPER apply to this post, but your last couple are totally spot on with it.
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much."
The people that experience more things I think God trusts more. He knows that we won't turn away from Him. I think I'm gonna write a blog on that. Sorry I haven't been commenting...
it just means people don't have things to say about it, that's all. You've hit the nail on the head.

The Bullen's said...

It's wonderful that you're allowing God to do a work in you. You'll never go wrong following God!Some of my most intimate times with the Lord are in the middle of the night, where everyone is asleep and where it is quiet. He has a way of helping me to let go! Even if it involves like you said "Big sobs!"

Ingrid :o)

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