Tuesday, 25 August 2009

It's so weird how life, from different people, looks totally different.
It's like you take a tall guy in a candy store and stick him next to a short guy. The tall one can see over the counter to pick out the candy he wants. But the short one, no. He has to be helped up so he can see his options.
A wise person (this wise person I actually know) once told me this:

"You don't go hiking so you can stare at the top of the mountain. You go hiking to get the whole view."

Which is what I think we all need to really consider and do. Imagine our lives as that one hiking trail. It's long, sometimes rough, sometimes smooth, up hill all the way. And yes, the trees are beautiful as we pass them by. The scent of pine and water... the smell of nature, cool, crisp, and clear, is beautiful, and we can't take it all in at once. Animals and life is all around us, so beautiful it's almost impossible to comprehend. And our life, our hill may be beautiful as we go through certain parts. Yet once we finally get to the top, we realize just how much we were missing.
Blurb for the day.
  • I think today should be forever known as "Momentous Occasion Day"... technically it's "Heroes Day" and a handful of people's birthdays.
  • The reason today should be crowned "Momentous Occasion Day" is because today, Emma wore a dress. I guess it's not that big of a deal because she's worn dresses before... but today it was extra special.
  • WE HAVE 13 FOLLOWERS!!! Somebody do a dance...
  • AND today (so far...) I have gone the entire day without a piece of gum!!!
  • I am SO proud of myself... I feel like I could do anything!!And I have to be perfectly honest with you faithful blog-readers... I actually started writing this post yesterday while waiting for my audition... however I was never actually able to finish it...
  • Yesterday I was supposed to let everyone know that I was sitting next to Grace and Danielle while I was writing it. Actually, I'm sitting next to Ruthie... but back THEN I was sitting next to Grace and Danielle!
  • That's kind of a weird thing to think... that about this time yesterday I was doing the same thing. That happened. It's in the past.
  • Wow.
  • I still have big dreams to make our blog beautiful... they are still in the market. I have tried and tried. Nope. Nada. Zilch.
  • Oh well. You know what they say: "If at first you don't succeed try, try again."
  • I'll be spending at least half my life trying.
  • But you learn from trying don't you?
  • Like Thomas Edison once said when they asked him about how many times he failed to make a light bulb: "I didn't fail. I found out 132 ways how not to make a light bulb."
  • So there you go. You never really fail! Now there's some fortune cookie junk I can live with.

Trip, Ace & Demo,



Unknown said...

Wow Sydney =)

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