Wednesday, 12 August 2009

OK well I had to babysit my little sister all day because both my parent are back working. So I mentioned something to her about my dad and I gong to see the meteors last night, which she was asleep for, and she was freaking out because she didn't go so she chucked the remote across the room and I sent her to her room and she was not listening to anything I said and calling me names and all that stuff.

And we were really bored so we decided to remake the first harry potter move. So we got our costumes on, Abby's consisted of a toilet paper beard and we got everything ready and we made all the signs and that took like 3 hours. 3 HOURS! and guess how long the entire thing is? like a minute. Why you ask? because my sister didn't want to do it anymore.

And then I was the one who had to act out the half giant so I put on like 15 coats so I was soooo hot. So I kept telling her to hurry up because it was so FREAKING HOT! And I could barely move my arms. but all in all it was an exiting movie. No actually we didn't even get to any of the exiting parts so it was kind of boring.

Then I had a good dinner of hot dogs, corn, and potato salad. And right now I'm eating the good cake I made with a side of Ice-Cream. Not the healthiest day ever but come on! She isn't exactly the nicest little kid around!

So me and my dad did go to see the meteor shower last night at about 11 o' clock and it was really cool. we went really far away, well not that far, and we saw tons of stars and I saw the big dipper and the little dipper. And I saw about 3 meteors, unfortunately my dad didn't see any but the ones I saw were really cool. And Jupiter was shining so brightly, I though that was really cool to.

Does anyone have any good book suggestions? As you know I finished mine and I don't know what i should read. So please post comments!

My computer is about to run out of battery so...

Don't feed the wild animals,



Anonymous said...

Well I am so glad you asked about the books!! Here are some good ones:
~Betsy-Tacy (of course! An easy read, but still!)
~The Mysterious Benedict Society (A favorite!)
~Number the Stars (another easy read but it's good!)
~Life As We Knew It
~The Fire Within Series
All great books! I also own most of them so if you want to borrow, just let me know! See you Saturday!

A+A said...


A+A said...

oh sorry I didnt read this... I should have givin you credit... sorry.

Thank you grace for recomending those books!

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